An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense By Thomas Reid
You can't make this argument without rejecting that premise that all mental operations are thoughts. If they all reduce to thoughts, then only "cogito, ergo sum". (which, btw, is not the form it appears in the Meditations.) Nothing else get's us out of the skeptical dilemma - and if it does, then it is not because of any property of the operation, but only because the operation reduces to basic cognition, thinking.
On the other hand, and this is established in the first fucking paragraph of the Meditations,
"the body" is not going to be strong enough to break through Cartesian skepticism because knowledge through senses are the first criterion rejected as insufficiently justified. In fact, Descartes deals with all of these obvious criticisms. All you have to do is read the fucking meditations.
Sorry, you lose. Do not pass go.
This, however, is a good objection, and is does not seem to be considered by Descartes.
An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense By Thomas Reid
An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense By Thomas Reid
Locke, however, does not solve the problem. Just because you cannot prove that the unity of the "I thinks" does not mean you have proven that they are not unifed. (Hume) Nor does it justify you in moving to a metaphoric concept - "consciousness" - just simply asserting that consciousness is a unified series of "I think"s.
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