I spent the morning toying with the python perlin noise library. It turns out that the perlin noise function doesn't produce random noise unless you instantiate a the SimplexNoise() class and call randomize.
Originally, I was using this:
def pn(m, octaves=1): from noise import pnoise2 freq = 16.0 * octaves for y in range(len(m)): for x in range(len(m[0])): m[y][x] = int(pnoise2(x/freq, y/freq, octaves) * 127.0)which constantly give us:
Now, I import the SimplexNoise class and randomize the permutation table
def pn3(m, octaves=1): from noise.perlin import SimplexNoise sn = SimplexNoise() sn.randomize() freq = 16.0 * octaves for y in range(len(m)): for x in range(len(m[0])): m[y][x] = int(sn.noise2(x/freq, y/freq) * 127.0)
and now I get random perlin noise:
I hope that helps anyone else struggling with the library.
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