Wednesday, December 31, 2008

logical fallicies

Greenwald points them out:
The fact that the people of Location X are suffering doesn't mean that anything and everything their government directs to the general vicinity of those inflicting the suffering is justified. Haven't we learned that lesson over the last eight years? Conversely, to object to the actions taken by a government (e.g.: torture, warrantless eavesdropping, attack on Iraq) is not to deny the legitimacy of the original grievance in response to which those measures are ostensibly undertaken (e.g.: the 9/11 attacks). Isn't that basic by now? Those who haven't learned that lesson have no basis ever for objecting to war criminality, or excessive or reckless military actions, or any other means employed by those with legitimate grievances.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

sex differences

ahhh statistics.

Every serious player has an objective rating - the Elo rating - that measures their skill based on their results against other players. Bilalic looked at a set of data encompassing all known German players - over 120,000 individuals, of whom 113,000 are men. He directly compared the top 100 players of either gender and used a mathematical model to work out the expected difference in their Elo ratings, given the size of the groups they belong to.

The model revealed that the greater proportion of male chess players accounts for a whopping 96% of the difference in ability between the two genders at the highest level of play. If more women took up chess, you'd see that difference close substantially.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Kant on philosophical baggage

Hence, it is not left to the philosopher's discretion whether he wants to remove the seeming conflict [between nature and freedom] or leave it untouched; for, in the latter case the theory about this would be bonum vacans, into possession of which the fatalist could justifiably enter and chase all morals from its supposed property, as occupying it without title.

Groundwork, 4:456

An apparent warning to philosophers who simply want to assume freedom; a warning to political philosophers who don't want to grapple with the possible baggage that a clear concept of freedom might carry; an assault on libertarians stripping morality from property with an abstraction of freedom from title.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Charter Schools

Public Role, Private Gain
Board Chairman, a Banker, Took Actions That Stood to Benefit His Employer and Customers

I wonder if New Orleans is doing any better with their charter school system? Probably worse.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The most interesting thing I've read all week.

Mobbing and the Virginia Tech Massacre

This analogy brought it all together:
It was only after Cho committed his murders that observers
discerned in him a murderous personal identity. This is like calling a
substance dynamite after it explodes. If it could not be recognized as dynamite earlier, it may well have been something else, maybe a benign substance like garden fertilizer, sawdust, or ripening fruit, that detonated under an unusual combination of specific conditions.
Especially after having a discussion over whether sociology should be considered a science, and whether the social sciences are led astray by mimic the scientific rigor of the hard sciences.

*Although I must say that the author's account uses a lot of very unprofessional language.  Since when did sociologists start using the term "going postal"?

(Which was a great conversation, btw. I've certainly had to rethink a few of my points, which is often the manner of my dreams following drunken discourse. I've also learned that, when I'm losing a conversation, attribute the opponent's position to something Keith might say.)

Sunday, December 07, 2008


A lot of people are talking about Ayer's column in the NYTimes. Some people are asking why it was published, why he was given space. But I think the answer is obvious. Most people still don't have a clear position.

A lot of people seem to be condemning Ayers. But I'm confused as to what the actual problem seems to be. Is it because he's re-writing a bit of history? Maybe. But the splitting and recombining of groups seems a lot more significant when you're an insider. I think the underlying problem is that we constantly keep having this difficult moral problem thrust upon us. And we're sick of it.

There seems to be a lot of contradiction in people's thoughts - especially in the comments (where writers seem to be a bit more prone to espouse their intuitions). Many are condemning the violent underpinnings of the Weatherman movement. But many are also sneaking in that problematic "except in extreme circumstances" provisio. But it's not clear how one can be justified in making such a move. Where do you draw the line? How do you know when the circumstances are extreme? The problem is that you don't. History tells you whether you did or not; that is, the winners of History.

More importantly, if the Weatherman's bombing campaign had been successful in turning public opinion, what would the consequences have been? That whenever we fundamentally disagree with the government we start blowing shit up?

"No," we think, "this would lead to the rule by the angry mob." Extreme circumstances can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. And even if we try to formalize that line with an intuitionist or pragmatic account, it will simply amount to another rule that could be part of the network of unjust rules.

But "yes," we think, "if there were still slavery or segregation, I'd blow shit up." Certain pictures seem so morally obvious that it's hard to understand how they were not recognized as such. The beauty of hind-sight, we might wax sarcastically; But hind-sight is very compelling. The mere fact of it being hindsight doesn't make it any less true. And truth is something we should at least aim at in a moral theory.

For the most part I'm a Kantian about this. But I had my day as an anarchist. And I feel that urge constantly. I want to fuck shit up when I see an injustice. Though now I'm a bit more humble: when I know I see an injustice. And even then - we can't always wait around for knowledge, which is it's own problem. Perhaps we just have to hope that our parents instilled in us a solid moral habit?

One way I often play with the idea of radical activism is to go the martyr route. It seemed to work well in the Middle East. Not just for extremists; I'm thinking of our Lord and Savior, too. Here's the thing about breaking the law - we don't want people thinking they are above the law. Even when there are bad laws, there are also good laws. But if we can overthrow one, why not overthrow them all? What other ground does law stand upon?

Let's try another direction. What does it mean to think you are above the law? One might argue, it means that the law doesn't apply to you. But that doesn't seem rational, at least. We'd have to be using the term law incoherently. It's universal but there are exceptions. How does that work?

So let's assume we have a coherent interlocutor. What does it mean to be above the law? It seems to mean that you think you are above the consequences of the law. It's not that the law doesn't apply - you're already admitting you broke the law. What you don't want is to be held responsible for breaking that law. You want to 'get away with it.'

This is where the martyr is different. They accept the consequences; and if jury has mercy, they refuse it.

Under this line of thinking, then, the test for radical action and the knowledge required is not: Can I accept responsibility? Rather, it is: Do I accept the responsibility? The only noble, violent political act is the one that you take as your own. There is not even the hope of escape repercussions. In fact, you demand them.

And, I guess, when circumstance are dire enough, when enough people are willing to sacrifice their lives to stop an injustice, then you have a pretty good sign that an injustice is occurring.* Of course, that's a pretty extreme requirement. What are the payoffs?

For starters, you don't get people taking radical political action for any-old cause. You also get people who think long and hard about the consequences of their actions.

More importantly, you respect a very Kantian feature of law: that moral law is law that you yourself would prescribe. And, it turns out to be a law that any other reasonable person would prescribe as well. Particular implementations will vary. And this is important - we don't want to be calling faulty implementations an injustice.

One last point: I can't imagine why anyone thinks they make ground by citing SouthPark. It's cute "political lessons" are always contrived, and often speak to a base sentiment about the way the world works - a sentiment that empiricism often proves to be incorrect. In this case, the problem with the underpants gnome explanation is that the only way the plot device would work is if there were in fact underpants gnomes. So what is the lesson we take outside the realm of SouthPark? That minority opinions are really just crazy, even if they are in fact true. But this isn't what empiricism teaches. It goes too far. We ought not reject ridiculous explanations out of hand; we ought only to reject those explanations that are impossible to falsify.

*Of course, there is also the problem of brainwashing. Here's the thing with suicide bombers, etc. They never face the law. They never face the reproach of their peers, so they never face the possibility that the injustice they perceived was false.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Two important stories today about the media and their experts.

One quick note: How much of what these experts are saying is really that important? Restricted to sound-bites, it's not clear that they are providing more information than an average person could muster with a few hours of study.

The media relies more on celebrity than on expertise; expertise is construed, so that celebrity can be granted. Whether or not they are experts, they can't present themselves as such. So the media gives them a name: expert. Now we'll listen.

But compare these experts to those on programs like Bill Moyer's Journal. Nothing challenging, no gotchas; but give anyone 20 minutes and you don't have to be an expert to know whether someone else is. To control the media: rather than what an expert knows, they must control who an expert is.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What can we do?

I'm profoundly disturbed by the city's decision to demolish and entire neighborhood. Whatever the cause.

Now, in this case they want to build a hospital. Seems reasonable, right? Except that there is a perfectly good hospital right next door. Charity has been abandoned since Katrina. Is it too old, too damaged? Heck no! The Army Core of Engineers had Charity ready to be opened within weeks after Katrina. (But nobody wants to open a Charity Hospital. Heck no! Those poor people might come back.)

Moreover, Charity was built almost 70 years ago. Doesn't that seem old? Yes. But that also means quality. It was built long before construction was divided up amongst hundreds of contractors, each trying to cut corners and save a buck. (Do I sound like an old fart? Sure. But it's true. Just look at the shit put up where St. Thomas used to be. It barely survived Katrina, and it didn't even flood!)

So the question is: What can we do about it? It's late in the game; is it too late?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

theory and practice

I get hot when GG get's all Kantian on our ass.
Presumably, there are instances where a proposed war might be very pragmatically beneficial in promoting our national self-interest, but is still something that we ought not to do. Why? Because as a matter of principle -- of ideology -- we believe that it is not just to do it, no matter how many benefits we might reap, no matter how much it might advance our "national self-interest" (just as we don't break into our neighbor's home and steal from them even if they have really valuable things to take and we're pretty sure we won't get caught).

For some reason it became hip to be pragmatic. And I'm pretty sure it's not because Americans have decided to start reading Dewey and James (or Hume, for that matter). I'm also pretty sure it's not because we've become a scientific nation. Empiricism tends to lead us down the path of scepticism - right for the natural world into the moral one. And, I'm most certain that it's not because we have rejected the possibility of universal moral laws. There isn't anarchy on the streets; nor has any sort of religious pluralism taken hold.

I suspect our contemporary American pragmatism simply the result of laziness: Why stop at practical skepticism when you can shoot down the whole game? (Global warming, stem cells, cloning, etc.) Moreover, why conform to moral laws when you've got fine moral sentiments thank-you-very-much?

After all, wasn't morality supposed to be easy?

But I don't think I want to stop here. I'm not a distopian. It's not the American people that have gotten lazy; it's our academics and elites. And they've dragged the country down with them.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

"smart" people believe in souls

Why is it that so many intellectuals don't believe that there can be pyschological harm? Do they think that our minds don't work under the same causal principles as the rest of the universe; that brains under-determine the mind? Do our top scientists really believe in anti-empirical and anti-scientific concepts such as immortal souls? Or, better, believe what they will - do we really want to be funding people who think they know about these immortal souls?

What is this talk about souls? Isn't this exactly what the anti-PC movement is doing? Psychological research in the 60s and 70s showed that there are strong correlations between language, self perception, mental health, and bodily health. It's perhaps unfortunate that this arose in the time of post-modern hoopla. But they were at least effective in attempting to integrate this information into other fields. If I can identify an empirical correlation, is that any less useful than a correlation between fists and bruising? (Well, of course it is! But smart people should understand how to think about and draw generalizations from different standards of statistical significance!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Times Pic's usual standard of bias

What's wrong with this headline:Investigator says waste dumped as sabotage or the subheader: Rogue SDT employee instigated illegal sewage disposal, he says ?

No mention of the fact that this investigator was hired by SDT. He was not an independent investigator. I have nothing against SDT, but this is shoddy journalism. The headline is misleading and the article itself barely supports the headline; nor is there any need to open the article with gossip and unjustified accusations. The guy may have lied. But Kirkham doesn't provide any good reasons to drag the employee's name through the mud. In fact, he makes it clear that SDT can't even fire the guy yet, based on whistleblower laws. So they got the Times-Pic to harass him for them.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The things actual science can teach us.

Not that there aren't a lot of huge generalizations in this article. But it starts with the leg work. 10,000 hours to become an expert. Hey, Kant spent almost 10 years on his first Critique. Gotta get working.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I know I'm somewhat of cynic

but, if Bush Says ‘Smarter’ Regulation Needed, Not More, then I think that means we simply need more. I mean, do we really think someone like Bush can identify what "smarter" is?

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I had a conversation with the roommate last night. He was surprised that liberals thought the main stream media was conservative, while he always believed it was left leaning. The interesting part was his argument: he appealed to Ted Turner and Warren Buffett. Two liberal-ish guys who own a bunch of media. Why interest would they have in a right-leaning media?

Think about that. What kind of argument is that? It's not a very good one, that's what kind it is. It's all speculative and deeply dependent on a naive, simplistic understanding of motivation and individual psychology. So I asked my roommate, how often he actually watches the news. Never, he said.

I don't think he got my point. Whatever one makes of the mainstream media, however much one's own biases and temperaments might skew interpretation, the first step towards a knowledge claim seems to involve evidence gathering. Especially relevant evidence; but even these evidences of ownership, however tangentially relevant, are just two facts. Actually being a regular news consumer seems to provide more, direct evidence.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What's with Scalia being a nanny?

First, we had to protect women from the trauma they might experience after having an abortion. Now, we have to protect the consumer against too much information from drug companies.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

my own mistakes

Life would easier if I didn't make them. Forgot to re-comment a line. Remember to check logs in /var/log. DUH. at least I had a chance to learn some more emacs.

Ubuntu Ibex

Started upgrading by T30 last night; passed out in the process, but i awoke a few times to keep it going. A few strange errors in the upgrade, but nothing seemed too problematic.

I restarted it this morning and compiz wouldn't load. So I disabled it and made certain metacity worked. nipple scrolling was also off, so I checked xorg.conf and it had all been commented out by the upgrader. Apparently Ubuntu has moved to this HAL system. S

o I search around online and find the changes I need to make. (You'd think that if gnome starts relying on this hardware absraction layer, they'd at least come up with a gui for it.) Anyways, changed HAL, restarted.

Nothing. Only the terminal. Something's not loading.

Undid the change, restarted.

Still not load. Uhh oh. This is going to be fun.

Ran off to the university an hour early. Yay daylight savings.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

short-term memory

It really amazes me that someone like Martin-Trigona (aka Andy Martin) can get on the air. I wanna be on the news! I say crazy shit all the time!

Monday, September 15, 2008

urban planners are divine

Both in their vision and their arrogance. Worth a read, but physics isn't Nola's only obstacle. Reflections: New Orleans and China

Saturday, September 13, 2008

drupal nola

Drupal seminar coming to new orleans.

Looks to be some really important speakers. Wish it weren't so expensive, but I'd love to run into some of these minds while wandering the quarter. Hope they all have a good time.

drupal nola

Drupal seminar coming to new orleans.

Looks to be some really important speakers. Wish it weren't so expensive, but I'd love to run into some of these minds while wandering the quarter. Hope they all have a good time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


A link.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Won't read it; won't cite it.

The right-wing Politico cesspool
I once thought that Politico would be a pernicious new addition to our rotted media culture. Instead, it actually provides a valuable service by packing every destructive and corrupt journalistic attribute, in its most vivid form, into one single cesspool.

More Beautifully

Digby says it all: Unreliable Narrators
I have always been one of those who felt that the country would be better off if we just had a news media that did its job. I didn't want our "own" network, so much as I wanted a functioning press corps. But if it was decided that the only thing to do was create a balance, I would have hoped it would be because of ideological sympathy, as Fox is, not because it is the latest fashion subject to change at the whim of a fickle public.

Far better than I tried to say it.

mythologies and responsibility

CNN/MSNBC reporter: Corporate executives forced pro-Bush, pro-war narrative
Corporate executives continuously suppressed critical reporting of the Government and the war and forced their paid reporters to mimic the administration line. The evidence proving that comes not from media critics or shrill left-wing bloggers but from those who work at these news outlets, including some of their best-known and highest-paid journalists who are attesting to such facts from first-hand knowledge despite its being in their interests not to speak out about such things.

Almost makes me feel bad that I'm boycotting the strongest Liberal voice on MSNBC.

But the problem remains: If Greenwald's argument is correct - that the corporate executives, or even "senior producers", were sculpting the news coverage during the build up to the war - there is no reason to think they have changed. Which makes me wonder how Olbermann was able to start a show in such a hostile climate. Perhaps they thought he would tank amidst the cute puppy clips and American Idol interviews. It certainly makes his show seem far less professional.

Olbermann, however, seemed to have pushed through much of the demeaning aspects with his powerful voice. In a way, it turned out to be perfect mirror of the American life. Would it be too much to generalize on behalf the country that most people want to go about their lives with puppies and American Idol? Political ignorance is bliss.

But when called by major events, Americans also expect to be able to exercise their freedom of speech. Moreover, they expect to be heard. Consumed by mythologies of individuals fighting against the machine, what else would we expect out of American? Rosa Park made an individual call - let's ignore the years of political organizing in her past. Cindy Sheehan was just a mother - let's ignore the politicized based that proved her with a network. So American, we might say, demand complancency - better, entertainment. But when it comes time to make the Reverean ride, we all like to think we would harken to the call.

What drives Olbermann's appeal, then, is not the special comments, but their relation to the other stuff - the silly and the exasperated. We know that we will only be subjected to political heaviness when there is need. The rest of the politic* will, at best, merely present the exasperated indifference of liberal mindedness. Of course, I'm not talking about world events like the tsunami or the war. American consume these facts in their own way. But political facts - even the tsunami or war, turned political - are bitter to our tastes.

We are, perhaps, unhealthy in our political skepticism. We don't trust any politic - and we are too quick to make gods or devils out of politicians. It's not that we don't like Moderates. But, pardon my boldness, instead we don't like the imperfect. And one reason seems to be that, in general, we don't like holding people responsible. With politicians either they are perfect or they are out. We don't let them do-what-they-do well, and then hold them responsible for their failings. There is no give and take. Rather we ignore their failings, or else ignore their successes. With our justice, justice is swift and sharp, and we either kill or knight.

We don't get these excesses with other fields. If America respects its political Democracy with absolutes, in other areas of responsibility we pass the buck. And our justice here is "The Market" (or Religion or some sort of Natural force). We can't imagine that a business would survive long running inefficiently - The Market would weed it out. Nor could a business survive not meeting the demands of its customers - Supply and Demand. So we can't imagine that a media outlet would present only half the story - The Market should have cut it's throat. And if there are a few bad-egg corporate executives or senior producers, well certainly something ought to have held them responsible. Right?

* Counting down the number of days since Mission Accomplished, updates of Bush Administration scandals, etc. Not to say that the don't provide interesting factoids. But if you aren't already convinced that these running scandals exist, then you're going to think that this presentation format is over-the-top and uninhibited in it's bias.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with people. How did this book get published? Did you even read the fucking Meditations?
Text not available
An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense By Thomas Reid
You can't make this argument without rejecting that premise that all mental operations are thoughts. If they all reduce to thoughts, then only "cogito, ergo sum". (which, btw, is not the form it appears in the Meditations.) Nothing else get's us out of the skeptical dilemma - and if it does, then it is not because of any property of the operation, but only because the operation reduces to basic cognition, thinking.

On the other hand, and this is established in the first fucking paragraph of the Meditations,
"the body" is not going to be strong enough to break through Cartesian skepticism because knowledge through senses are the first criterion rejected as insufficiently justified. In fact, Descartes deals with all of these obvious criticisms. All you have to do is read the fucking meditations.

Sorry, you lose. Do not pass go.

This, however, is a good objection, and is does not seem to be considered by Descartes.
Text not available
An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense By Thomas Reid
Text not available
An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense By Thomas Reid
Locke, however, does not solve the problem. Just because you cannot prove that the unity of the "I thinks" does not mean you have proven that they are not unifed. (Hume) Nor does it justify you in moving to a metaphoric concept - "consciousness" - just simply asserting that consciousness is a unified series of "I think"s.